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Grampions Blanket Making Event

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THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2025 AT 6:00 PM
Join us in making tie blankets to be given to CF Fighters while they're in the hospital! Hosted by the Grampions, open for anyone to attend. We will have tie blanket materials available for everyone, but if you would like to buy your own or bring a blanket pre-made, you are welcome to do so!

The blankets will be given to the Adult and Pediatric CF Care Centers for them to distribute
when someone with CF is hospitalized.

Blanket Information
We will provide blanket materials for all attendees.

If you would like to bring pre-made blankets or your own materials, you can definitely do so! Joann's has "No Sew Blanket Kits" available for purchase if you would like to provide your own/more.

Because there are more hospitalizations for adults/older children with CF than young kids, we need more large blankets (~72") than small blankets (48"). There are an estimated 60+ hospitalizations of CF Fighters each year in Nebraska. The blankets we make will be given to the CF Care Centers for them to distribute. 
contact Information
Shelby Estaniqui

event location
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